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Examples of the breadth of CoreStrata Consulting capabilities:

Physician and Staff Commitment and Morale
Facilitated the development of strategies and tools to increase levels of commitment and morale in both physicians and staff. Information was gathered through benchmarking, focus groups, and individual interviews with both high and low performing groups. Implementation was achieved through specific recommendations to senior leadership and development of education resource materials for physicians and staff. Significant improvement was achieved in both physician and staff commitment and morale related ratings received on successive organizational feedback surveys.

HIPAA Compliance
In depth analysis of organizational compliance with HIPAA regulations, areas of potential exposure to sanctions, and implementation of corrective procedures along with staff instruction/coordination. Overview of requirements, establishment of a HIPAA-safe office computer system, provide a customized checklist for staff involved in health information disclosure, evaluating/preparing authorization forms, and establishing a policy for obtaining, documenting and retaining both signed and revoked authorizations.

Acute Back Pain Management
Facilitated development of revised treatment algorithms for acute back pain patients seen in the Emergency Department. Guidelines included primary utilization of oral instead of intravenous medications to provide effective pain control and allow appropriate discharge to home or skilled nursing facility instead of inpatient admission. Appropriate imaging and oral pain control provided reductions for inpatient admissions and associated expense.

Breast Care Improvement
Facilitated improvements in mammography screening and timely breast diagnosis processes. Analysis of existing processes, patient appointment histories, and outcome volumes to identify and address process issues as well as resource and staffing requirements. Significant reductions achieved in screening appointment access and diagnosis timeframes.

Electronic Health Records
System selection, implementation, template design, and record conversion. Staff instruction, standardization, and integration with electronic prescribing and billing. Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 compliance considerations and reimbursement.

Stark II/Phase II Regulations
Analysis of financial arrangements with DHS providers to ensure CMS guidelines are met. Review of regulations with professional staff to clarify all areas, checklist to assure compliance, and future update of impending Phase III regulations.

Lipid Lowering and Statin Treatment for Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease
Facilitated review and streamlining of processes for identifying appropriate potential patients, physician review of patient charts and clinical information, and initiation of required prescriptions via mailed letters instead of physician office appointments. Process redesign and implementation of technology solutions allowed expansion of the program, improved performance reporting, and reduced requirements for administrative staffing and associated expense.

Material Management Restructure
Planned and implemented restructure of Material Management operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness with reduced salary expense. Functions and responsibilities were redistributed among buyers and office staff to provide better allocation of work activities and better coverage of all activities through specialization and cross training.

Supply Charging Systems
Facilitated the planning and implementation of revised organizational procedures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of capturing supply utilization and patient billing. Procedure based charging procedures provided labor reductions and associated savings in supply processing, nursing documentation, charge processing activities, patient billing activities, improved accountability, and provided needed supply utilization data for practice pattern analysis and clinical pathway development.

Facilitated planning and implementation of revised oxygen saturation monitoring procedures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness and appropriate utilization of this technology with associated costs reductions. Revised procedures included standardized indications for use, criteria for discontinuance, and guidelines for monitoring frequency, and equipment and supply utilization.

Support Services Reengineering
Facilitated analysis, recommendations, and implementation of restructured hospital support service work processes, including conducting and assessing benchmark comparisons of other institutions, outsourcing, decentralization, integrating multiple services, quantifying achievable efficiencies, and establishing performance objectives. Hospital support functions included: supply, linen, housekeeping, maintenance, and food service. Administration expectations were met through planning and implementation of a patient center care team structure with unit based positions completing multi-function tasks. The care team structure reduced overall hospital staffing levels and associated salary expense.

Cardiac Catheter Lab
Facilitated planning and implementation of revised cardiac catheter lab procedures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in set up and accountability functions with associated costs reductions. Revised procedures included standardized and procedure based supply and equipment utilization and patient charging procedures.

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