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True leaders create clarity.

They envision a better world, and take bold steps to make it real.

They see opportunity in change — and secure it. They see challenge in change — and meet it.

True leaders bring out the best in their people, their organizations, and their business — and by doing so; achieve new heights of market success.

In today's world, leadership is needed at all levels of a company — not just at the top — because complexity and change are everywhere.

Developing leadership is one of the most important and best investments a company can make to ensure success. Effective leadership creates a focused, goal-driven, vibrant, innovative, proactive, and responsive company. In short, effective leadership enables a company to achieve extraordinary performance.

Leadership should exist at all levels of your organization and not just at the very top. Developing leadership at all levels to understand your company's overall vision and mission, have the capability to create effective strategies to achieve the company’s goals, and maximize the focus, talents and performance of every individual they lead and interact with, including themselves, will dramatically increase your company’s performance.

We develop individuals at all levels of your organization to think and act like a leader. Great leaders are made and not born!

The CoreStrata® process for Leadership Development contains many unique and proven features.
  • Our process combines attitude and skill development with the power of goal-setting to produce significant and measurable results
  • One-on-one individual meetings prior to group kickoff
  • The processes consist of between 5–11 sessions, 1-2 hours per session, generally once per week - This approach reinforces learning and development because it is spread-out over time. This results in more effective development then typical “seminar” or “one-day workshop” approaches to training and development
  • Individual follow-up sessions
  • Includes both personal and organizational development
  • Proven approach that has been used to develop almost 500,000 leaders throughout the United States
  • Efficient and effective on-site development sessions – no travel time and minimal disruption
  • Customized design, approach and facilitation
  • Group settings to reduce cost of investment
To develop effective leadership throughout an organization, CoreStrata® Leadership Development consists of a series of six specifically designed and developed programs for Executive, Leadership, Management, Sales Effectiveness, Team Leadership and Supervision, and Customer Service.

Leadership Development is a process designed to help individuals develop attitude, skills, and goal setting necessary for personal and organizational leadership and success:
Attitude Development – Attitudes are the basis of all behavior. In order to develop or enhance leadership behavior, it is essential to develop positive, success-oriented attitudes.

Skills – Leadership involves both technical and human relation skills. Learning and reinforcing skills, particularly human relation skills, contributes greatly to the effectiveness and success of a leader.

Goal Setting and Achievement – An important attribute for effective Leadership is the process of setting and accomplishing goals and objectives. Setting clear and measurable goals can dramatically improve individual and organizational performance.

Leadership Development is performed on-site, at your location. For maximum effectiveness, the process includes a combination of one-on-one and group development sessions, plus individual follow-up sessions. Our Leadership Development processes include CDs, Texts, and Action Plan Workbooks to support facilitated sessions. Software versions of the Action Plan Workbooks are also available for improved efficiency and for the ability to conduct sessions online through an interactive internet-based application.

Our Leadership Development materials have been used by companies in all types of industries, such as Hewlett Packard, Allstate, Hilton, AT&T, TRW, and Merrill Lynch. 

Nurses need 30 continuing education units (CEU) every two years to maintain nursing credentials. Our Leadership Development programs have been approved for 20 CEU nursing credits in all 50 states. More and more hospitals, clinics, and medical providers are discovering the value of Leadership Development for nurses. Leadership skills developed are applied to and benefit patient care, administration, supervision and management, and work-life balance.

All of our Leadership Development processes have been approved through a General Service Administrative Contract called MOBIS, which stands for Management, Organizational and Business Improvement Services. The MOBIS contract number is GS-10F-0245K.


  • Build Leadership Throughout Your Organization
  • Improved Individual and Company Performance
  • Improved Leadership Abilities and Effectiveness
  • Goal-Driven and Results-Oriented Culture
  • Unified Understanding of Company Vision and Strategies
  • Increased Sales
  • Personal and Organization Balance
  • Leadership Culture
  • Increased Profitability
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • Improved Teamwork
  • Continuing Education Credits
  • Approved for Federal Government Employees
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